Sydney & Wollongong Fishing Report
Six year old Jack Taylor fished at Simpsons Bay near Bundeena on Sunday using his new birthday present (rod and reel) rigged with a Bottom Magic Lure! He caught two nice Flathead and loved every minute, well done Jack!
Oyster Bay has been fishing well over the past few days, plenty of Flathead were being caught on 3” Berkley Gulps on the drift.
The Berkley Gulp are back at it again with a few anglers landing some nice sized Bream in the New Penny colour around the Botany Bay area.
Kingfish are being caught off the Gunnamatta Wharf on Squid.

Good customer José Fernandez caught this whopping 2.3kg Chinamen’s Leather Jacket while fishing the gravell last Saturday for Snapper and Mowong. These things are super tasty but don’t get you fingers near those teeth!
The Jackson Bottom Magics are yet again working there “magic” with a few fishermen catching some nice Flathead in Towra Point Nature Reserve.
Cranka Crabsdid the job over the weekend for a few keen anglers that fished the channel of Port Hacking River, some nice pan-sized Bream were the takers.
A young customer from our Taren Point store caught a Parrot Fish in Port Hacking just near the ferry channel on Chinu Koro Crawsoft plastics.
Ian Parker is pictured with an enormous 40kg+ Kingfish he caught down South on live bait. It was released unharmed and lives to fight another day!
Mark from our Wollongong store took his son Aaron out over the weekend in search of Marlin. He tagged and released his first Striped Marlin on Sunday, south west of Kiama Canyons onboard ‘Rare Breed’ while fishing the Shoalhaven comp. Estimated size was 70kg and was released unharmed. Nice work Mate!
Thomas Bowe is visiting from the UK and Ian from our stores took him fishing in St Georges Basin this week. He managed to land a huge 89cm croc using a Samaki Vibelicious Fork Tail 70mm in colour whitebait. Ian also landed this nice Snapper during the session fishing with Squidgies Wriggler in colour cracked pepper.
Some Spearos went out off Wollongong’s south beach and reported schools of big Kingfish and Rainbow Runners just cruising about.
Lots of Crayfish are being taken around Wollongong.