Sydney & Wollongong Fishing Report
Kembla Heights had their fishing comp over the weekend with our own, Andrew White, coming out on top. He landed his fish on the new Shimano Baku Baku Tiger Lure Col Orange/Silver. Other blokes that fished the comp were catching their fish on soft plastics.
Drummer are being caught in healthy numbers in and around the wash in the Wollongong area.
Some decent sized Mowies have also been caught around the Port Kembla area.
Jett Legge fished with Joel wide off Kiama earlier this week for a couple of solid 60kg and 64kg Yellowfin.
A 40.5kg Yellowfin was also caught off Kiama in around 800 Fathoms. The anglers were using the Halco Max 130 Lures.
A Blue Marlin, approximately 150kg, was caught off Kiama the other morning which was a surprise to the anglers as they were chasing Yellowfin! Nice little surprise.

Local fisho Ian has been landing some cracker squid lately. These bigger squid will become harder to find soon as their breeding cycle finishes but the smaller ones should start to follow soon.
The artificial reef off Cronulla has been producing a mixed bag. John fished it last Sunday with the Jackson Gallop Assist Slow Fall Jigs and caught Flathead, Flounder, Trumpeter, Whiting and Snapper. There were also plenty of Slimy Mackerel holding over the reefs which should bring in the Kingfish.
The Hacking river has been fishing well for Flathead.
Members of the Sutherland Shire’s Anglers fished on Sunday for the Bill Bradbury Flathead Day. There were plenty of Flathead weighed in on the day, from sand flathead caught out the front of both Botany Heads and Port Hacking to Duskies from inside Botany Bay and Port Hacking.
Kingfish are still being caught along the headlands of the Royal National Park, and a few reds from the grounds off Stanwell Tops.