Sydney & Wollongong Fishing Report

Adam from our Taren Point store got his first Jewfish on a lure while fishing the Port Hacking on Monday morning, a small start but start nonetheless!
Watsons Leaping Bonito and Australian Bonito are thick off the cliffs of Kurnell to the back of Jibbon bommie to Marley. Trolling small skirts, casting Jackson Artist FR80’s and G-Control’s will get you plenty.
Kingfish to 80+cm are in good numbers off Marley with live Yakka and Slimies being the best baits.
On Monday John also managed a 35cm Snapper on a soft plastic and a Squid on the Jackson Trout Tune Lipless in Col GDM.
Tailor are on the beaches of Wanda and Green Hills and also in good numbers in Port Hacking. John got a good bag of Tailor last Thursday morning before work in the Hacking with the biggest going 58cm.
Large squid being caught in the weed beds off Jibbon on IKA Squid Jigs in size 3.5
Good sized Flathead have been caught with Squidgies slow trolling along shores at Ramsgate at the turn of the tide. A mix of rat Kings and medium-sized Kings are being caught close to shore at Ramsgate on baits.

Young Marat and his father Cheyne were fishing off the local wharf on Sunday afternoon among the hustle and bustle of returning boats and the young fella caught and released this lovely Yellowfin Bream, great work buddy!
Shortly after another father and son team turned up to try their luck at the busy wharf. After moving their baits a number of times to allow boats to access the wharf young Nathaniel hooked this 65cm Flathead and after a long struggle his father Elias helped him land the nice healthy lizard.

Ahmed christened his new rod with a nice Blue Marlin late last week down south.
Shellharbour Game Fishing club held their club challenge over the weekend with 20 boats fishing the local coast. Several Marlin were tag and released with Angler Management tagging a Blue Marlin on 37kg, Devocean tagging a Black of around 100kg on 24kg, and Reckless tagging an awesome Black of over 150kg on 15kg tackle. Water temps were over 27 degrees in some areas with current ripping at over 3 knots making fishing difficult. Scattered Striped Tuna and several Mahi Mahi filled in the gaps.
Mitch and Wes fished Minnumurra River yesterday arvo for a couple of nice lizards and a small flounder using the Bottom Magic Lure. Some of the footage is on our Instagram story @_fergostackleworld_
Claude Gualla was recently handed his hat with his wife catching and releasing her personal best Flathead of 1.02m which was caught in the channel of Lake Illawarra.
Kingfish are still around Port Kembla Harbour and the islands, most around the 60cm mark.
The Jackson G-Control is still dominating the rock spin scene as the number one Bonito, Salmon and Kingfish Lure because of the speeds they can be worked and the baitfish profile.