Fishing Report

Plenty of Sand Flathead offshore at the moment. Luke Murray and co hauled a great load of them in off the sandy bottom using the Gallop Assist Micro Jigs earlier in the week.
Some Winter Whiting have been caught over the weekend in the hacking on surface poppers.
Trevally are being caught around Sydney in good numbers. Burleying up with bread is a great way to get them biting a little more aggressively!
Joel Oliver fished for Snapper with plastics and had some luck, also caught a nice Pearl Perch as bycatch. He fished last weekend for a Bluefin too, clearly did ok with the fish pictured above.
Old staff member Ian landed a nice big Jewfish just before the big swell hit earlier in the week (pictured) that was just shy of a metre!
Reports of good eating sized squid being caught off Shellharbour, Bombo and Kiama.
Good schools of pan sized Snapper and Drummer have been spotted out near Peggies by Mitch while diving.
Some nice Flathead are being pulled from Lake Illawarra off the Windang bridge.
Josh Robbins caught a nice big Carp on the Chinu Koro Craw Soft Plastic recently.
Reports of big schools of Bluefin two days ago off Kiama in 800 fathoms; lots of smaller ones though around the 10kg mark.
Salmon are being caught down south off the beach with Micro Jigs.