Fishing Report

There have been large schools of Salmon all along our coast. One of our customers was catching them off the beach last week while spinning with a Gallop assist. He also caught an 80cm kingfish which was amongst the Salmon school.
Salmon Schools have been spotted off Wanda this past weekend with a few Kingfish mixed in upon the School.
The Mako Shark Tournament was held off Cronulla last weekend with many anglers out and about trying their luck and some solid sharks reeled in.
Mitch has been fishing off Bulli in the kayak with plenty of success casting into the back of the waves. He mainly used the Bottom Magic Lure for a good catch of Bream, Trevally, and then Snapper and Flathead in deeper waters.
Snapper are being caught around Coogee up to Long Reef. Further down south around Bellambi there’s also been reds caught using soft plastics, bait and micro jigs.
Blackfish, Drummer and Trevally are being caught in the washes using peeled prawn and using a bread berley to get them biting.
Trolling along the edge of the washes at first light is also producing good catches of Tailor.
Dean (pictured) was fishing on Sunday off the Royal National Park and caught some nice Groper. These fish were released even though you’re allowed one per day when fishing.
There are plenty of squid about at the moment and they’re easy to catch as they have huge appetites coming into spawning season.
Kingfish are in good numbers and size on the offshore reefs like 12Mile. The fish are taking Jigs as well as live and dead baits.