Sydney & Wollongong Fishing Report
Plenty of people out and about taking advantage of fishing being 100% legal during the COVID-19 crisis which is great to see.
I haven’t reported for a while so here’s a run-down of the last couple of weeks in short form…
Offshore at the moment is firing for yellowfin tuna. There all along our coast at the moment but they’re sitting pretty wide as the currents haven’t swept in yet, hopefully that happens soon. Here’s a few pics from some of the catches we’ve seen lately.
Joel Oliver and Jake Brisbane have been going out a fair bit with plenty of success even using stick baits and poppers.
Adam Hunt and Grant McCay were out a couple weeks ago in 700 fathoms off Stanwell Park when they first started showing up and landed a nice double between them, which also included a dolly on the way in and a dropped striped marlin.
George K fished onboard Black Label a couple of weeks back for two nice yellowfin and his first striped marlin.
Michael and Calvin fished wide of Browns mountain and caught these two tuna on stick baits after seeing them jump from the water.
There’s lots more reports coming through facebook of big tuna catches as the days go on, definitely a great time to get out there!
Sydney Harbour is fishing well at the moment with a few bigger kings around, plus a load of other fish around. Freddie Clapshaw has been throwing weed flies around for some nice blackfish.
Myles has been getting stuck into some cracking bream and kingfish.
Oscar has done well on the kingfish.
The Hacking River has been fishing well for a range of species lately. Jackson Sweet with a nice little mac tuna he caught on light gear a couple of weeks back.
Jack McCarthy took his girlfriend out into the Hacking River up the arm for her fish, landing a nice flathead and a big fanbelly leatherjacket.
John fished inside the hacking for a nice bream, flathead and a small jew after trolling around outside along the cliffs for a very solid bonito. Inshore the Bottom Magic rigged with assist hooks did the damage alongside the Samaki Vibelicious.
Dale Stewart trolled live yakka along the cliffs south of the Hacking and landed himself a very nice kingfish that went just shy of 1m.
Max Hamra has been doing well in the Cooks River landing himself a few nice flathead and some very solid bream.

Plenty of flathead being caught in 30-40m of water from Jibben down to Wattamolla, micro jigs like the Jackson Gallop Assist Slow Fall in 28g and 38g are a very clean and easy way of catching them.

Keelan Orrock has tried the Jackson G-Control for the first time and absolutely loved the results. He says it’s the best land based lure he’s used with 6 species of fish caught in two days including kingfish, salmon, bonito, tailor, silver trevally and big barracouta.
Ian and his brother John fished St Georges Basin on Anzac Day for a great catch of fish. Congrats to Ian who landed his PB flathead of 96cm on a hard body crank. All their fish were caught in under 1m of water.
Ian also managed a very nice flathead a couple of weeks ago on a big Jackson Primal Swim Bait
Me and Fergo have been fishing along the northern Illawarra beaches/rocks lately throwing lures out, one of which being the Pin Tail 20 that’s featured above. Other notable lures include the Jackson Muscle Shot 90 and the Pin Tail EZ 28g which have landed plenty of fish too. Heaps of tailor were caught between us which were great fun on light gear, plus a fair few trevally and a mix of other fish. All our lures were rigged with assist hooks and will be from now on, once they’re hooked they stay hooked, plus it’s always the assists that do the hooking not the other hooks if we have any others attached.
A whole lot of fun with not a lot of effort put in, just pick up the rod, head down and fish, come home and rinse it off ready for the next session!
On the spearfishing side of things, reports are that there’s plenty happening at the moment around rocky headlands. The water is getting colder and the snapper are showing up in bigger numbers. Lots of salmon around and smaller kings. Heaps of bait and bigger numbers of drummer showing up.
Zac Forst with his PB snapper, plenty of effort has gone into getting a fish this good so well done mate.
Tim Field with a very nice 34.5kg cobra speared further north up at southwest rocks.
Kai Moylan and his two mates speared this morning for a great mixed bag.